What is car insurance mid-term adjustment (MTA)?

author image-crispin
By Crispin Bateman
Updated on Tuesday 8 August 2023

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Car insurance is a critical aspect of responsible vehicle ownership, offering financial protection and peace of mind in case of accidents, damages, or other unforeseen events. However, life is dynamic, and circumstances can change after you've purchased your insurance policy. This is where the concept of a Mid-Term Adjustment (MTA) comes into play. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of car insurance mid-term adjustments, explaining what they are, why they are necessary, and how they impact your policy.

Understanding car insurance mid-term adjustment (MTA)

A Mid-Term Adjustment (MTA) refers to any changes or modifications made to your existing car insurance policy after it has already been issued but before the policy term comes to an end. These adjustments can be initiated by either the policyholder or the insurance provider, and they are meant to accommodate changes in your circumstances that may affect the terms, coverage, or premium of your policy. MTAs are not uncommon and can occur for a variety of reasons, such as:

Change in vehicle: If you purchase a new car or replace your existing vehicle, you will need to adjust your insurance policy to reflect the updated information. Different vehicles may have different risks associated with them, which can influence your insurance rates.

Change in usage: If you start using your vehicle for business purposes or change your daily commute distance, your insurance provider may need to adjust your policy to accurately reflect your vehicle's usage patterns.

Change in address: Relocating to a new area with different risk factors, such as crime rates or weather conditions, can affect your insurance premium. Your policy may need to be adjusted to reflect the new location.

Addition of drivers: If you add a new driver to your policy, such as a family member or spouse, your insurance rates may be impacted based on their driving history and risk profile.

Modifications to the vehicle: Making modifications to your car, such as adding aftermarket parts or enhancing its performance, can affect its value and risk profile. These changes may require an adjustment to your policy.

Change in coverage: You might want to adjust your coverage levels mid-term, such as increasing your liability limits or adding comprehensive coverage. Conversely, you could also opt to reduce coverage if it's no longer necessary.

Changes in personal circumstances: Major life events like getting married, having children, or retiring can impact your insurance needs and may necessitate adjustments to your policy.

The process of car insurance mid-term adjustments

When you decide that a mid-term adjustment is needed, the process typically involves several steps:

  1. Contact your insurance provider: Get in touch with your insurance provider to inform them about the changes you want to make. This could involve a phone call, email, or visiting their local office.
  2. Provide information: Depending on the nature of the adjustment, you may need to provide additional information or documentation. For example, if you're adding a new driver, you might need to share their driver's license details.
  3. Assessment and calculation: The insurance company will assess the impact of the proposed changes on your policy. They will recalculate your premium based on the updated information and provide you with a new quote.
  4. Agree to the changes: Review the new terms, coverage, and premium. If you agree to the changes, you will likely need to sign some documents or give verbal confirmation.
  5. Payment or refund: Depending on the adjustment, you might need to make an additional payment or, in some cases, you could be eligible for a refund if the changes result in a lower premium.

It's important to note that not all mid-term adjustments will result in additional costs. In some cases, the adjustments might actually lead to a reduction in premium, especially if you're reducing coverage or making changes that lower the overall risk associated with your policy.

Impact on premium and policy coverage

One of the most significant aspects of mid-term adjustments is their impact on your insurance premium and coverage. Any changes made during a mid-term adjustment can influence the amount you pay for your insurance and the level of protection you receive. Here's how:

Premium changes: Depending on the nature of the adjustment, your premium can either increase or decrease. For example, if you're adding a high-risk driver to your policy, your premium may go up. Conversely, if you're reducing coverage, your premium may decrease.

Coverage changes: Adjustments can also lead to changes in your coverage levels. Adding or removing coverage options can impact the extent to which you're protected in case of accidents or damages.

Terms and conditions: When you make mid-term adjustments, you may need to familiarise yourself with any changes in the terms and conditions of your policy. It's essential to understand what is covered and what is not after the adjustments are applied.

Pros and cons of car insurance mid-term adjustments

Car insurance mid-term adjustments come with both advantages and disadvantages for policyholders. Let's take a look at some of these:


Accurate coverage: MTAs allow you to ensure that your policy accurately reflects your current situation. This means you won't be paying for coverage you don't need or be underinsured in case of an accident.

Flexibility: Life is dynamic, and circumstances can change unexpectedly. MTAs provide flexibility to adjust your policy accordingly without having to wait until the policy renewal period.

Cost savings: Making adjustments that reflect reduced risk factors, such as a change in usage or vehicle type, can potentially lead to lower premiums.

Enhanced protection: If you're adding coverage options mid-term, you're enhancing your protection in case of unexpected events.


Administrative hassle: The process of making mid-term adjustments can involve administrative work, including providing documentation and communicating with your insurance provider.

Potential costs: Depending on the changes, you may incur additional costs through increased premiums or fees associated with adjustments.

Policy changes: Adjusting your policy mid-term could lead to changes in terms, conditions, and coverage. It's important to carefully review these changes to understand their implications.

Is it possible to switch insurance companies in case of a significant premium increase following a mid-term adjustment?

Absolutely. If you find the revised premium to be excessively costly after an MTA, it's advisable to explore options for more competitive rates with other providers. However, be aware that cancelling your policy prematurely might incur charges, and cancelling mid-policy could result in the loss of a no claims discount.

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