Best Car Security Devices for Cheaper Insurance
Steering wheel locks, tracking devices, and more.

According to Home Office figures, vehicle thefts have risen by around 50% in the last five years, and it’s also been reported that a car is stolen every five minutes in the UK.
All the traditional methods of keeping your car safe can help deter thieves, but it has now become more important than ever to make full use of the new security tech on the market.
Sometimes, parking your car in a garage overnight and locking the door simply isn’t enough, and you might find that you need a little extra protection from car security devices such immobilisers, steering wheel locks, security cameras, and tracking devices.
Here’s a list of the best car security devices in the UK that reduce the possibility of your vehicle being stolen and might even lead to cheaper car insurance premiums.
Steering wheel locks
Steering wheel locks are still up there with the best car theft protection devices available, despite not being hugely complex.
Not only are they a visual theft-deterrent, but they also make it impossible for thieves to drive away with your car if they are able to force their way into the driver’s seat.
They won’t stop thieves stealing things from inside your car, though, such as sat-navs, stereos or any expensive belongings, so be sure to never leave your possessions on-show when you’re not around.
Buying a steering wheel lock can give you great peace of mind and can let you rest easy knowing that your car is safe, secure, and won’t be going anywhere without you anytime soon.
Car immobilisers
What is an immobiliser? A car immobiliser is a security device that prevents your car from starting unless the correct key or fob is inserted.
This essentially means that your car cannot be hotwired and therefore becomes totally worthless to anyone that breaks into it without the keys.
New cars manufactured post-1998 are legally required to come with an immobiliser fitted as standard, but it’s unlikely that any pre-1998 cars will have one.
The only way a car built after 1998 will not have an immobiliser is if a previous owner has modified the vehicle to disable or remove it completely.
If your car was built before 1998 or you find that your car’s immobiliser has been removed, you can buy a Thatcham category two immobiliser kit for less than £50.
To find out why you should always make sure that your security device is Thatcham approved, see our full guide to car immobilisers.
Car security cameras
What better way to deter thieves and catch them in the act of trying to steal your car than a security camera?
You can get overnight car security cameras fitted outside your car, on your garage wall for example, to deter thieves and record evidence of them breaking into your vehicle if they do so, but you can also get in-car recording devices.
Some in-car security cameras or dash cams, like this Topellite dual dash cam, come with an option to record both the outside and inside of your vehicle. Its inward camera with a 90 degree view and night vision is the perfect theft deterrent, and it can also provide you with some pretty solid evidence to give to the police if the theft is carried out.
You can connect it with your smartphone or tablet, which means that you are able to easily scan your video history or watch a live view wherever you are.
Car tracking devices
If your car is unfortunately stolen, this car tracking device would tell you its exact location with precise, real-time positioning.
It is compatible with an Android and iOS smartphone app, so you can also track your vehicle while you’re out and about.
Once a tracker is fitted, you are able to see exactly where your vehicle is at all times and you’re also able to view its previous routes thanks to the handy history feature.
Unlike the other devices in this list, car security trackers may not deter thieves, but they will make it far easier to recover your stolen vehicle if ever the worst should happen.
What security features does my car have?
Most new cars will come with both an alarm and an immobiliser fitted as standard, with certain models also featuring some types of tracking devices.
You can check your car’s security rating via Thatcham’s official website, where they group all vehicles into categories in relation to their security rating.
Getting the best car security devices
Over 300 cars were stolen every day in 2018, so we recommend that you consider all of the car security devices listed above to minimise the risk of your car being taken or damaged by thieves.
You can get security devices that:
Deter thieves from attempting to steal your car (overnight car security camera)
Make the car impossible to drive away (immobiliser and steering wheel lock)
Help you to recover the vehicle more easily if it is stolen (tracking device)
Getting one of each should protect your car from almost all thieves, but you should also take all the traditional precautions, such as parking your vehicle in a garage overnight, locking all doors and windows, and refraining from leaving expensive possessions in the car.
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